Activities - Amateur & Professional Sports

Amateur and professional sport with kybun products

Sitting dominates our lives but it doesn't have to be that way

Buy kybun shoes Buy kybun mats Success stories

A good walk made perfect

Hobby golfer Erik Ekker from Holland was suffering constant back pain and looking for a comfortable shoe

After a while, he came across kybun and decided to try the shoes out. The kybun shoe now helps him to walk long distances on and off the fairway without any pain. Wearing kybun shoes has given his life a new perspective and on the golf course, he has even seen his handicap improve from 12 to 7.5.

For stronger foot muscles

Tatjana Stiffler Swiss cross-country skiing athlete and trainer

The kybun shoe is still important to my life as a professional athlete. I mainly wear it day-to-day, that is, between my training sessions when I am walking around my flat or if I know that I will have to stand somewhere for a long time. I have noticed that my foot muscles have become a lot stronger on both sides. The shoe is just so comfortable to wear; it is almost like walking around on a cloud. I would like to say a huge thank you to kybun for the amazing support and all their help! I can wholeheartedly recommend the kybun shoe to anyone, no matter whether you are an athlete or just want an everyday shoe. You will feel the difference.

A world champions perspective

Franz Heinzer, Downhill World Champion and Swiss Ski Team Trainer

Heinzer was a famous skier throughout the 1980s and knows only too well the demands of high intensity sport. Improving intramuscular coordination between the muscles that are close to the joints significantly reduces the risk of injury when skiing, snowboarding or cross country skiing . The stronger these muscles are, the more effectively they can react in dangerous situations. Walking in kybun shoes reduces the strain on ankles, knees and hip joints in particular, which not only alleviates existing complaints but also prevents the onset of new problems.

Arthrosis pain relief

Ex-professional épée fencer is grateful he discovered kybun

Ernest Lamon was a professional fencer who won the Swiss championships ten times over the course of his career. However, the sport has taken a toll on his body, causing an earlier onset of arthrosis in his hips and knees, resulting in an operation. Despite this intervention, his overall mobility was still a fraction of his former self. The first improvements he noticed were after trying the kybun air-cushion shoe. Today, the former top fencer trains young athletes but without the help of kybun, Ernest Lamon would not be able to enjoy this active training.

Healing knee joints

A unique shoe helped 56-year-old Doris Blum from Bern, Switzerland

Doris was able to rebuild her muscles within a relatively short time after a serious skiing accident. No one expected that she would make such a speedy recovery. The ski instructor puts her success down to the elastic, springy soles of the shoes. Today, the Swiss native wears the shoes at home and work and uses them for hiking and in her free time.

Regeneration after sport

The benefits and effectiveness of kybun

  • Exercises the muscles
  • Improves coordination
  • Increases the supply of blood to the muscles
  • Actively regenerates
  • Enables light training sooner after injury

At the tennis European Championships

Hansruedi Widmer is a Swiss Senior Tennis Champion

The 70-year-old had been plagued by discomfort in his knees due to tears in the meniscus. However, once the retired maths teacher started wearing kybun shoes during training, the pain disappeared. When Hansruedi Widmer flew with his team mates to the European Tennis Championships in Spain he took his trusted companion Swiss air-cushion shoes from kybun with him.